it's time to release overwhelm, embrace daily + weekly rhythms and live the life you want!!

what if your weekends were no longer consumed with cleaning, laundry, and constantly “catching up”? 

with the rhythms rundown, you will determine what really matters in this season and make a plan to get some time back!


tell me if this sounds like you, you are overwhelmed by all the needs around you and at the end of the day feel like you didn’t get it all accomplished.  You want so bad to get some of your time (and brain space) back!


what if there was a way to get your time back, and create the life you desire to live? What if your weekends were full of connection, fun, and rest!?! that's why I created the rhythms rundown . I want so deeply to help you get your time back, and have a plan for order in your home and life!


So if this sounds like something you have been wanting to create, but don’t know where to start - join me today in my mini course!

"Going through this course was an incredible tool. Wynne helped me organize my household "to-dos" in an easy checklist that was simple to complete each day and build my habit ritual. I loved that it put my husband and I on the same page and allowed us to more effectively work together towards running a peaceful household. This is a system that is we look forward to build upon and solidify weekly, monthly, and even yearly habits of our household!" 

- Ande

Hi, I’m Wynne!

I'm Wynne Elder, I’m a wife of 15 years to my husband Stephen and a mama of 4.  I have been an entrepreneur for over 12 years, and currently run a successful wellness business from home.  A few years ago, our family made a big move and simplified our entire life + home.  We’ve created simple systems + rhythms as a family of 6 that have allowed our family to thrive while also working and running multiple businesses.  I’ve been dreaming of creating a framework to help other mamas create rhythms of their own so you too can live the life you want to live, and have peace and order in your home.